A summary of my plants

A Summary of My Plants

When I first got into plants, it was just for fun. An easy way to spruce up the room without really thinking too much about the crap a pet leaves or feeding a fish. However, as time went on, I realized that plants can really be quite a hands on endeavor. It is a living thing after all. 

My understanding of plants was that there are three ingredients. Water. Soil. Sun. However, I soon realized through propagation that soil was optional (kind of). If you dont know much about propagation, it is a method of taking a plants “cutting” and putting it in water so that it grows essentially a clone of the original plant that you took the cutting from. There is also hydroponics where people quite literally farm whole vegetables with just water. All of this was awesome. At the time I was in college and you’re telling me that I no longer have to worry about watering the plant? I can just leave it in water and it will grow on its own? Hell yeah!  

This worked for a while. I had a pothos that I was propagating, a couple avocado seeds I was growing in water and a snake plant or two, just sitting in jars of water. Unfortunately I lived in the bottom floor of my college dorms, which meant that I was actually not on the first floor but the 0th floor. I was below ground with barely any sunlight. My plants started to wilt and die quickly as there was little to no sunlight, plus it was winter, which got to about 5 degrees. I bought two grow lights off of amazon for about 20 bucks and my plants quickly recovered. 

This was how I started to realize quickly that my plants were not just “set it and quit it” kind of plants, I had to actively take care of them on a consistent basis. Even in propagating my plants, I would have to change out the water every 3 days. I know so difficult… hahaha  but even then I honestly did it more like once a week. 

I have since made the switch to try to plant my plants in both water, propagation and in soil. My thought being that I could potentially grow my plants in a more healthy manner as they would have more nutrients and minerals through the soil. 

While this may be true, I did also just move to an arid – desert climate. This is now where I am at with my plants. I have a total of 2 snake plants, 3 pothos (2 in water from the original plant which is in soil), 4 swiss cheese plants (3 in water and the original plant in soil) and a couple other plants I don’t even know. I also still have 3 avocado plants and they are the only plants I leave outdoors on a regular basis. This means that I have 95% of my plants indoors to keep my plants safe and out of the sun. 

This was just a blog post that I wanted to write more as a journal entry to let you guys know about my plants and how they are doing. I am learning how to take care of the plants every day just as much as everyone else but thought it would be fun to write about it on a semi regular basis to document my knowledge and to share it with you. 

Anyways if you got here you either love me or you had nothing better to do, but either way I appreciate you reading. 

Till next time.